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We appreciate your financial support!

Celtic Cove Catholic Bookstore Continues to Serve the Faithful as a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit! Please consider helping us continue our mission to serve the faithful and foster vocations. Your contribution will help our 501(c)(3) nonprofit and ensure Celtic Cove Catholic Bookstore continues the mission it began over 15 years ago. Proceeds from Celtic Cove are donated to organizations including:

 Oxford Pregnancy Center

 University Christian Outreach

 Students for Life

 Community Cenacolo America

 To make a donation by check, please make check payable to: Celtic Cove Catholic Bookstore, Inc.

Mail To:

Celtic Cove Catholic Bookstore
ATTEN: Donation

1120 S Lapeer Rd Ste 150
Oxford, MI 48371

Thank you for your

consideration and generosity!

              Thank you for your Donation!