A Pocket Guide to Sacramental Reconciliation
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Building Blocks of Faith Series
Authors: Kevin and Mary O'Neill
In full-color illustrations and crisp dialogue, charming Catholic friends Fulton and Cynthia will help you learn about the immense gift to mankind that is the Sacrament of Reconciliation. From learning the difference between mortal and venial sin (and how to avoid them!) to how to prepare to make a good Confession, to what it means to receive the power of God’s healing love, grace, and mercy, this entertaining book will make you understand and appreciate this sacrament like never before.
Other features include:
A prayer to pray before confession
The steps to making a fruitful sacramental Confession
Common questions and answers about the sacrament
Lists of Seven Capital Sins and Seven Capital Virtues
The Two Great Commandments of Love
Catechism of the Catholic Church references for further reflectionÂ
Also contained is a complete Examination of Conscience for ongoing use. A Pocket Guide to Sacramental Confession is an ideal gift for classes and all the children and families in your network.
Reviewers enthused that this book is a “Perfect addition to our [Church] bag and makes confession so much more relatable for my son. A great investment!”
Pages: 12
Format(s): Paperback
Publication Date: February 21, 2023
Categories: Children’s Books