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St. Dymphna Half-Caff Ground Coffee

  • Taste: Pleasant notes of nuttiness and lemongrass
  • Roast: Medium
  • Region: Peruvian and Colombian

St. Dymphna was an ordinary young woman with a desire to love and serve God all her life. At the death of her mother, Dymphna's father became a threat to his daughter's purity. She died a martyr's death at the hands of her father and the Church honors St. Dymphna as the patroness of suffering from mental health issues and disorders of the nervous system.

This 50/50 blend of Peruvian and Decaf Colombian beans honors St. Dymphna. It's moderated caffeine content will give you a boost during daytime but allow you to relax and sleep at night. A smooth and approachable medium blend with pleasant notes of nuttiness and lemongrass, the flavor features medium body and acidity that leaves the bitterness behind, with a quick conclusion after each sip.