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Volume Two, Directions for Our Times, Conversations with The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus


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As given to "Anne," a lay apostle.

Volume Two contains messages recorded by Anne, a lay apostle in August and September 2003, from Jesus with two others from Mary, Our Blessed Mother. These messages were recorded by Anne in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the Eucharist. Jesus calls out to us from the depths of His Eucharistic heart which is bursting with love for us. He calls us back to him and gives specific direction on how to grow closer to Him. He helps us to begin working on critical changes in our actions, thoughts and intentions. He also shares glimpses of heaven and of the great rewards awaiting us so that we know where we are going and so that we know how to prepare for heaven. Jesus encourages us to grow in holiness with his calm, practical advice. He emphasizes that He is truly with us always through everything.

"My children, would you like to know how to please Me?"
August 29, 2003

"I was a humble man, who walked your paths of difficulty, want and hardship. Many treated Me badly, so I understand the pain of hurt. We had little money, so I understand the pain of hunger. I was different, so I understand the pain of isolation. Little ones, I am with you. I want to teach you things that souls of past times did not learn until they came to heaven."
August 17, 2003

"I wish to tell My souls about the joys of heaven. My children, there is no bitterness in heaven. Bitterness and distress are not intended for you, even on earth. These are experienced by every soul at some point during their earthly time, but souls should not see bitterness and distress as the defining characteristics of their life. My child, if you feel you struggle often with these destructive patterns, you must spend time with Me. I am the Divine Healer."
September 3, 2003

Paperback, 2006

Prophecy and Novels