Streetwalking With Jesus - Reaching Out in Justice and Mercy
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By John Green with Dawn Herog Jewell
Streetwalking with Jesus: Reaching Out in Justice and Mercy is an unusual perspective on ministering to an oft-disregarded fragment of the homeless population: male prostitutes.
Deacon John Green, through his Emmaus Ministries, has spent over two decades reaching out to inner-city men on the fringes of society in downtown Chicago, and has also worked with them in New York City, Guatemala, and Mexico. “They are the modern-day lepers in our midst,” he says. “There were almost no ministries which were interested in dealing with them.”
A successful middle-class, church-going Catholic guy, who grew up in the comfort of suburbia, Green longed for a way to live his Catholic Faith which went beyond a ‘nice Christian life.’ As an eye-witness to a homeless man’s jump-suicide from a building in Manhattan, Green’s life – and his ‘take’ on helping others – was forever changed.
Each of the 20 chapters in Streetwalking gives the reader a profile-perspective on a real-life homeless guy, though names and other identity-clues are changed to protect them. In the end, readers, too, are transformed in their understanding and examination of their own faith in light of these real people, who need real empathy and Christian help.
Paperback, 2011
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