Saint Peregrine with Prayers and Devotions - Florentine Lives of the Saints
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Edited by Mark Etling
Saint Peregrine stands as a wonderful example of what it means to trust completely in God. For years he suffered with a horrible, painful cancer in his foot and leg and was about to lose the leg to amputation. Yet his faith never wavered, and his trust became a moment for God to manifest his awesome, mysterious power over sickness and health, life and death.
We can never be sure that we will receive what we ask from God - we pray and live in faith. But Christians are called to hope - hope that God is with us at every moment, both in life and death, both now and into eternity. St. Peregrine is surely a shining example of that hope, that confidence, that complete trust in God.
Softcover Booklet, 2007, 32 Pages
Prayer Books & Devotionals, Saints