Natural Family Planning Blessed Our Marriage
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By Fletcher Doyle
If you asked the average Catholic to list ten tips to build a better marriage, chances are Natural Family Planning (NFP) would not make the cut. Most Catholics, if they think of NFP at all, think only of those three troubling words, Not tonight, dear. But more than a means of regulating birth, NFP is first a means of building communication, affection, respect and a sense of joyful freedom in a couple s sexual relationship.
As the nineteen couples in this book make clear, NFP not only helped them plan their families, it improved their marriages. Many speak of a renewed grace in their lives when they made the switch from contraceptives to NFP. All agree that the benefits outweigh the occasional challenges, and none long for the days when they used artificial means of regulating birth.
If you re interested in strengthening your marriage, forget the magazine articles and self-help books. Discover NFP and see that when it comes to sex and marriage, the church has found a better way to keep the home fires burning.
Softcover, 2006
Family Life Topics