"Male and Female He Created Them" On Marriage and the Family
Jorge Cardinal Medina Estévez responds to the attack by modern society on the sanctity and indissolubility of marriage with these beautiful, thought-provoking and clear essays on marriage and the family. A highly regarded author, teacher, prelate and strong defender of Catholic doctrine, Cardinal Medina Estévez presents inspiring insights on the divine plan for male and female, the family as the domestic Church, the importance of chastity in all vocations, and the need for society to uphold the traditional understanding of marriage and family life.
Cardinal Medina Estévez shows how this most noble institution, and the loftiness of its dignity and beauty, can be understood only in all its depth through the timeless Christian teaching on marriage and family, as seen in the Bible, and in Christ s love for the Church.
Softcover, 2003
Wedding, Family Life Topics