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God Bless America - God's Vision or Ours


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By Fr. Bill McCarthy, MSA

Separation of Church and State?

One Nation under God?

On what principles was America founded?

Fr. Bill McCarthy takes us back to Our nation Born and the roots of our Constitution--our founding fathers' visions and dreams through what now has become a Nation of Decay. How did the dream become a nightmare? Fr. Bill sets the record straight and uncovers the lies we are being told as truths.

Is there any hope for Our nation's future? YES--GOD can and will heal our nation if we humble ourselves and pray!!! Fr. Bill helps to restore our faith and will leave you with a great sense of peace and hope through a return to fervent prayer of GOD BLESS AMERICA - HIS VISION not OURS until we become once again, a nation whose motto is IN GOD WE TRUST, always. A must read!
