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Comfort My People, A Pastoral Care Prayerbook for Ministry to the Sick, Suffering, and Bereaved


A Pastoral Care Prayerbook for Ministry to the Sick, Suffering, Dying, and Bereaved

Those engaged in the spiritual dimensions of care through chaplaincy, healthcare, hospice, Stephen ministry, spiritual direction, or pastoral ministry see firsthand how belief in a God who is both close-by and loving brings comfort, consolation, and healing. This new book includes an essential collection of prayers: for praying for and with the sick, suffering, or dying; for those in recovery; for the bereaved; for funerals; and more. The authors of these prayers write from rich and diverse backgrounds. They are poets, composers, biblical figures, saints, clergy of all denominations many hearken back to past centuries, yet their messages still ring true and strong. And each prayer is open to your own adaptation and personalization, allowing you to select just the right tone and temperament for individuals in your care.