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Sex and the Sacred City - Meditations on the Theology of the Body


By Steven Kellmeyer

Why does human sexuality seem to be so central to so many of today's issues? Worse, why is it so badly understood and badly handled by so many? How are we meant to handle issues like purity before marriage, purity in marriage, family planning and the proper use of our sexuality? This book answers those questions and many more. Chapters are devoted to: How to live a chaste, pure life as a single person, How our bodies help us reflect the life of God, How our created family is meant to image the one God, the divine family of spiritual Persons, How birth control fits into adult life and how it should be approached, What all of this means for us right now. Informative, concise, practical: this is a book you can actually use right now. Whether married or single, the incredible insights into marriage, sex and single life will orient you to face the joyful reality. In less than 100 pages, every adult gets a basic understanding of the amazing synthesis of thought known as the Theology of the Body. As you read, you will make amazing discoveries, discoveries that will help you live a life of joy.

Paperback 2003

Family Life Topics