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The Deepest Longing of Young People, Loving Without Conditions


By Jerry Goebel

The best way to teach young people that they are valuable and meaningful is to offer them uninterrupted attention. By that simple yet powerful act, we are showing young people that it isn't what they can do for us that matters. What matters is their inalienable right to unconditional love.

This is the deepest longing of our young people today, consistent, transparent relationship—not a new program or curriculum to tell them what to do or what they should value, but a caring, compassionate adult who will walk the path to wholeness with them.

In The Deepest Longing of Young People, Jerry Goebel reminds us that the greatest statement we make to young people is to spend time with them—to come to them especially when they have been most inconsistent and, at that time, be least judgmental.

Every parent and everyone who works with youth should read this book.

Paperback 2006

Teen Bibles and Resources